Genius Hour Project

20130119_DSC_9862.jpg Mateusz Łoskot via Compfight

For my Genius Hour Project I choice to do my research on rock climbing. I have been rocking climbing before and liked it a lot. I think I’m pretty good if I say so myself. When I was doing my research I learnt good safety types like that you should always tell friends and family where you will be going and when you will be coming back. You tell your friends and family so that if you don’t come back in time they know where to go and where to send help.  Another good tip is to never go climbing alone. Whenever you go climbing go with at least two friends. I also learnt that you should always check the weather before you go climbing because you don’t want to get caught in a storm and have to call for help.

Not only did this project teach me new and very important tips about climbing but It also helped me grow as a  person. I learnt how to do research independently but more importantly do research on a topic of my choice. Before this project I had never done research on a topic I had chosen before. This also helped me grow as a person because it taught me to have faith and not give up on my ideas. I wanted to do my research on rock climbing but thought it would be boring for my peers to listen to a presentation on rock climbing so I did a bit of research on race cars. Soon I switched back to rock climbing and I’m glad I did so because I think my class liked it a lot.

What I learnt during my Genius Hour will help many people who are interested in starting to rock climb. Instead of them having to learn from trial and error or them having to take a lot of time and do there own research they can just listen to my presentation and they will be prepared to go climbing. When I do research on survival I will help many people who like the outdoors or are outside a lot. My research will prevent them form having any trouble if they get lost or hurt in the wild.